We track and study color trends to lean into the psychology behind why we are drawn to certain colors at certain times. Color influences us deeply, and there is a general, worldwide consensus about how colors make us feel. For example, warm colors have long been associated with emotions of warmth and comfort, or anger and hostility. Cooler colors evoke feelings of calm, peace, or sadness.

Color is the frequency of visible light, and we measure this in Hertz. On the light spectrum visible to humans, violet is the highest energy color with the shortest wavelength, and red is the lowest energy color with the longest wavelength. These concepts lend themselves to the fields of color therapy, which include chromotherapy (light medicine) and some of the theories behind chakra and crystal healing.

Color directly influences purchasing behavior. People decide whether they like a product in 90 seconds or less, and 90% of that decision is based solely on color. There are mountains of research about which colors feel approachable vs exclusive or trendy vs evergreen (even the word, evergreen, is color based!). Colors evoke a sense of the season, and like the color wheel seems to spin right alongside our wheel of the year.

In this Forecast Feature, we are highlighting the 2023 Colors of the Year selected by our industry leaders in color.