Zulay Santana

Interior Designer | FFE

Naples, FL
B.A.S. Interior Design, A.A.S. Fashion Merchandising + Management, Seminole State College, Berkeley College

Space Planning + Conceptual Design
Interior Plans & Elevations
FFE + Finish Selections
Visual Merchandising
Budget Management

key project experience:

Bozzuto | Alder at Allston Yards. Boston, MA
Lantower | NCX Midtown. Dallas, TX
Mast Capital | Alton Bay. Miami, FL
Middle Street Partners | The Linden. Chattanooga, TN
Middle Street Partners | The Juniper. Atlanta, GA
RangeWater | The Raven. Charlotte, NC
Wood Partners | Ironworks on Fox. Denver, CO
Wood Partners | Alta New Carrollton. Hyattsville, MD

Best Design Tip

Inspiration is all around us, so explore areas outside of the norm for the best ideas!

Favorite Pattern

Any pattern with black + white!

Best Advice

Believe in yourself and others will follow!

Hidden Talent

Thrifting & watching period films!

Me in One Word


Most Inspiring Trip

Trip to Mexico to explore the ancient ruins!

Weirdest Thing in my Bag

Measuring Tape – not unexpected but still weird!

I Could Teach a Class on


CID Value I Most Align With
