A | the family bridal shop in downtown cleveland, on ontario street from 1956-1996, where mom jumped over the counter in her heels to chase down a burglar B | cid, originally founded in cleveland, ohio was a regular award recipient from the hba for our model homes C | vintage news article with mom rocking some ‘80s hair + shoulder pads D | posing under dad’s transom on a development, i learned to drive stick on one of my dad’s tractors E | one of mom and my favorite chores was to sweep the saw dust on a job site after rough frame F | mom and i were members of the same jazz dance company, my favorite performance was teaching the history of jazz to elementary schools + nursing homes, from african + minstrel, to punk + hip hop G | grandma + grandpa owned the ritz hat factory in the warehouse district of downtown cleveland, which started on west 3rd st. clair, then moved to ontario street at public square presently where the justice center is now. i still have one of the original factory hat blocks that mom would help make in my house H | my grandfather was the principal architect at the iconic terminal tower in downtown cleveland and worked there for much of his career
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